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By Chris Malta & Robin Cowie
Every product has a natural life cycle and a season where it sells best. Some early buyers come at the beginning of the cycle, and then the mass of buyers come. Prices peak and retailers begin running out of stock. Sales slow, and trickle down to a few last-minute shoppers.
As an online seller, its critical you prepare for the natural retail cycles you’ll experience throughout the year. With some simple strategies, you can make the most of the opportunities presented by the changing seasons:
1. Keep the Flow Going
The way to maintain sales volume is to be ready for the next selling season. Phase in your new seasonal items for early shoppers while your other product line sales are winding down. You can keep the momentum going in your store and your income, if you plan accordingly.
2. Make Advance Preparations
Dont wait until the holiday is upon you to get your products lined up and ready to go. You should begin pushing your promotions two to three months ahead of time, according to product trending veteran Lisa Suttora, of
. Says Suttora, The advantage to having your products ready several months before a holiday season is you capture the early bird buyers. Youd be amazed how many people shop months in advance of a holiday.
Another benefit of early marketing is it provides lead time for the search engines to pick up the pages for your holiday specials. Include the season or holiday name in your titles, because people are searching for those terms.
3. Use What Youve Got
You dont necessarily have to change your entire product line every season. Evaluate your current product line and see what can be promoted as a seasonal item. Use your imagination create unique gift baskets and kits. Shoppers are pressed for time and are looking for solutions, so put together product bundles to solve their holiday needs.
4. Adjust Your Web Site
Your web store should reflect the season feature items that work well for the approaching holiday. Put a seasonal spin on your ads and listings. Your sales dont have to drop, advises Suttora. Evaluate what youre selling and how you want to position it freshen up the look of your site. Youve got a whole new group of buyers coming in with each new season, so you want to be ready for them.
About the Author: Product Sourcing Radio is Created and Hosted by Chris Malta and Rob Cowie of, Home of OneSource: The Internet’s Largest Source of Genuine, Factory-Direct Wholesalers for online sellers.
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