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Submitted by: Gracie Roloff
Both men and women can acquire genital warts from unprotected sex especially if the person they are having sex with is infected with the virus human papillomavirus. There is a sixty percent probability that a person can transfer the human papillomvirus to the other person even in the first initial encounter. Men can notice the warts forming on their penis, scrotum and around the anus while women can see them on their vaginal walls, cervix, vulva and around the anus. It is also possible for genital warts to form on mouth and throat if an oral sex happened.
Here are a few things that you can do when you want to get rid of the problem at your own home. By following these tips, there s no guarantee that it is going to work for you. What you re going to find is that it doesn t hurt to try.
There are surgeries that can quickly remove your genital warts. You can choose from a laser surgery, a cryosurgery that will freeze your warts using liquid nitrogen or an electrocautery that will burn the genital warts using a hot iron. There are also home remedies that can help you get rid of the warts. Here are some:
Apply topical ointments to the affected area. A physician will prescribe you an ointment that can help remove your genital warts. Some examples of the topical ointments that are realle effective are podofilox, imiquimod and trichloroacetic acid. Do not use wart removal ointments that you can readily buy in drugstores without prescription. These ointments are not specifically for genital warts.
Intake of vitamins and minerals are also helpful for the warts to disappear faster. Take synthetic and non-synthetic vitamins at the same day but different time for each vitamin. Herbal teas are also perfect to get rid of your genital warts. Every day, make sure to drink two to three cups. Lemon grass tea, chamomile and green teas are recommended.
There are also antiviral oils that can help in getting rid of the genital warts. Apply the oil on your skin affected with warts using a cotton swab. It is also important that you keep measures to stay hygienic every day. Use underwear made of one hundred percent cotton. Change your underwear more than once a day.
These are just some of the home remedies that you can follow to remove your genital warts. In order to prevent you from having genital warts again, always use protection when having sex.
While many of these tips may not work for you, it s important that you consult with a doctor. Your doctor will be able to prescribe some sort of medication that you can t get over the counter. Sure, while it can be rather embarrassing, you may want to take the jump to get information on what is going to work best for you. There are a lot of things out there that can help get rid of them rather quick, and it s rather painless!
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how to get rid of warts fast
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