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Submitted by: Rena Graham
Tummy tuck is an invasive procedure that helps to flatten the stomach by removing excess fat and skin. It has provided a lot of patients dealing with unrelenting rotund bellies a chance to get into better shape. But there are also some complications that are at stake if you choose to have this procedure done, and one common problem is a seroma.
Seroma is a pocket of fluid that came out from injured lymphatic vessels and capillaries after an injury or surgery. Some seromas go away on their own, while others needs treatment because it could lead to wound dehiscence, infection and delayed healing. So here are some of the ways to treat seroma.
One of the usual treatment for seroma formation is aspirating the fluid. The affected region is inserted with a needle attached to a syringe that will do the aspiration. In some clinics an ultrasound guided aspiration can also be done using an ultrasound guided aspiration. Sometimes aspiration would have to be done more than once due to the amount of fluid accumulating.
A hot compress can also be applied over the area to aid in breaking up the blood clots so that when it is liquefied it will be much easier for the surgeon to aspirate. This also makes it easier for the body to reabsorb the fluid.
Drains would also be inserted which would have to be kept there for at least 2 weeks or up until the fluid accumulation subsides. The doctor will then decide when it is already safe to remove the draining tubes once the fluid has gone down to a reasonable level and remains that way. Those remaining small volume of fluid will eventually dissipate on its own.
In order to control the fluid accumulation, your physician can prescribe you with hemostatics. A hemostatic drug such as tranexamic acid can reduce the fluid buildup and it should be continually regulated because it can also have adverse effects.
A compression band or garment may also be used around the treated area. This will press gently on the site creating a very small space for fluid to accumulate. The compression may be a little limiting on your part, with some doctors requiring you to put it on for 72 hours. But it will certainly save you from any chances of building up seromas or the re-accumulation of fluid.
In some cases seroma formation can be unrelenting to drugs, aspiration and other treatments, which is why another option would be to excise it. These cases happen very rarely, but in the event that it does a reoperation but with minimal incisions would have to be done.
So if you want to prevent seroma formations after your tummy tuck, always remember to keep that compression binder on. Also make sure that you keep your abdomen as immobile as possible for the first few days after surgery, so make sure that you take ample time off from work to recuperate well.
About the Author:
Tummy Tuck or abdominoplasty
could greatly enhance the look of a person and increase ones self-esteem if done right. If you are planning to have the procedure done on you, seek the help of Esteem Cosmetic Studio. They have clinics in Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra to cater your needs. Feel free also to add
+Rena Sharma
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