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Submitted by: Mark Trumper
Controlling your parking, issuing parking permits and making sure only authorized staff and users take advantage of your facilities is one of those aspects of running a business which can give you a major headache, but really, is a minor issue which shouldnt be dominating your time. Unfortunately, human nature being what it is, you are going to have to implement parking control of some description to avoid staff disputes and even worse, customers trying to park, cant find a slot because someone has taken them over and simply heading down the road to buy from someone else!
The issue arises in that parking permits can take you time to source and find a reliable supplier to deliver them to your individual needs, and even worse, parking permits will be used over time and need to be replaced frequently as people lose them or they are issued for one-time use.
This is why the internet has come to take such a chunk of the parking permit market it is quick, cheap and easy to get the product you want changed and re-ordered. But all this presupposes you have found a supplier who will handle your needs to begin with, so how do you find someone you are never likely going to meet who will do this for you over the world wide web?
First of all, all that you see on the web is not necessarily what you will end with in practice. Ignore the hype and glossy websites and check for customer reviews elsewhere on the web to see who is getting a positive press. You can check any company you are short-listing against these forums and consumer sites and see what other customers are saying about them. If you find a company with positive reviews and they appear to be able to deliver the product you need, you are well on the way to choosing your supplier. A word of caution though, just because you see negative reviews does not mean the supplier is not up to the job good news is usually that there is no news!
You can also check the bona fides of the website itself very easily. Almost every site has an About Us section and here you will find information such as telephone and address information. Check that the telephone number given actually exists call it because it ought to be a toll-free number, and check that it is in service. Check that there is a physical mailing address and not simply a PO box which a scam artist is able to hide behind.
A good, online print partner for parking permits will provide templates and design services, especially if they are experienced in delivering this type of product. The general feel of the web site should convince you that this is a company which knows what it is doing, understands customer needs and that they are all different. You ought to be able to play with design online and be able to get help from the company when you cannot see how their standard product offerings can help. At the end of the day, you choose to deal with a company online in exactly the same way you choose partners and suppliers in the real world by how they treat you.
About the Author: Mark Trumper is the president of MaverickLabel.Com, a company founded to meet the growing need for a label source utilizing the latest technologies blended with old fashioned quality and customer service. They specialize in
custom label printing
parking permits
in their growing list of label products. http://www.mavericklabel.com
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