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References That Help Netherlands Prepare For 2012
Brian D. Hudgers
Doomsday coming in two years time and several people have heard about it but so far only the Netherlands prepare for 2012.
There have been different prophecies from ancient times with the Mayans providing a calendar that ends on December 21, 2012; the Bible giving a detailed description of how the world is going to end; and even oracles like I-Ching from China as well as the Druids, Hindus, Egyptians and the Aztecs. The more modern prophecies of Nostradamus also included the end of the world and the same date was mentioned. There are also facts that were derived from space observations and explorations that led to the conclusion of several cosmic events happening in 2012. Among these are the polar shifting, the planetary alignment, the collision of an unknown star with earth and the incoming meteor shower. Massive damage will fall upon our planet in the form of explosions from nuclear power plants, the biggest tidal waves the earth will ever see, the rising of sea levels and sinking a lot of land formations, earthquakes that are off the charts and volcanic eruptions all around the world, known, sleeping and undiscovered. Another theory is that the earth will be halved into total darkness and being burned by the sun because of the polar shifting. A scare was created because of these information among many people and they have started making preparations in groups and individually. They have released several books about these matters and also instructing the people on how they can survive the coming disasters. Several books like 2010 Contact have almost all the information you will ever need. The facts and lies and the hype the media has created in order to sell some products will be separated from each other. You will know the underlying cause that may occur earlier and can serve as a warning that the time of destruction is near and how the end of the world is going to happen. The instructions you need are also given in order to survive this difficult time and also to help you create a new civilization. Right now you may be working to get food on the table or finishing the mortgage or saving up for your children’s education; it is up to you to believe in Armageddon or not. You might be planning to buy a new car or a gym equipment and working overtime to be promoted in your career. But on the other side of the world there are people who are looking for places where they can build their shelters and storing up on food and other supplies necessary to form a new world. The US government does not take the 2012 warning seriously and so it is up to the people to take the initiative and make their own move to form survival groups and plan for the bad times ahead. They can make their shelters, store up on supplies, do survival trainings and learn other skills in preparation for the coming doom just like how Netherlands prepare for 2012.
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Netherlands prepare for 2012
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References That Help Netherlands Prepare For 2012