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By Richard Armen
Moving to the city can be an exciting adventure, but it can also be intimidating. The fast-paced lifestyle, coupled with the thousands of strangers you meet every day, can make anyone concerned with their safety. Cities do require a few extra precautions, though they are a wonderful place to visit or live. Be sure to understand the risks so that you can enjoy city life to the fullest extent possible.
City dwellers tend to live in tall apartment buildings. Whether you have a doorman or a roommate, or are all by yourself when it comes to looking out for the safety of your abode, there are home security tactics to help you feel at home in your new environment. When you move in, install door and window alarms, no matter which floor of the building you are on. These simple security devices are great for apartment dwellers because they can be taken with you when you move. Change the locks so that you know you’re the only one with the key. If you’ve never lived in a large apartment building before, know that you should be careful who you let into the building.
Introduce yourself to your neighbors so that you can get to know the area; they will also be more likely to look out for your safety if they know you. Take the time to get to know your new neighborhood; not only can this help you spot potential safety risks, but it’s also one of the joys of exploring a new city. Many people mistakenly believe that city dwellers are less friendly than those in rural or suburban areas, but this is not true. Though there is certainly a different pace of life, people in the city want a safe and friendly neighborhood to live in just like anyone else. If you need help adjusting to your new locale, don’t be afraid to ask.
Many people sell their cars before they move to the city, planning to rely on public transportation. Taking the bus or subway is certainly convenient, though it also exposes you to thousands of strangers every day, some of whom may not have the best intentions in mind. Always carry pepper spray, a stun gun, or a personal alarm, keep a close watch over your belongings, and be aware of those around you so that you can spot suspicious behavior before it becomes an actual threat. Street smarts are a skill that can be acquired as you become accustomed to city life.
Even if you don’t take public transportation, you will be meeting lots of new people. Keeping your safety in mind is crucial no matter where you go, whether you’re alone or with a group of new friends. Date rape, pickpocketers, and muggings are all possibilities in a big city. Use your common sense to avoid them and don’t be afraid to carry self defense devices to protect yourself from threats like these.
Though moving to the city means a big adjustment, it is also a very exciting time. As you get settled into a routine and get to know the city, you will begin to get comfortable. A little extra attention to personal security can help you enjoy your new surroundings as safely as possible.
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